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The term “hospitality” speaks of the values of sharing and conveys a sense of family. It is an invitation to serenity and offers the joy of moments spent together. In line with the stimuli provided by some of the world’s most important cities, the special spaces of Casa Cucinelli wish to express an experience of hospitality, as it is conceived in Solomeo: a harmony of time, well-being of the spirit and pleasure of the encounter.
By sensitively listening to the vocation, history and potential of places, each Casa Cucinelli develops its identity in harmony with the culture of its host city, in order to create an authentic and balanced blend, an ethical and aesthetic continuum between tradition and innovation, between Italian style and local values.
A library with books in foreign languages, a kitchen where flavors dialogue with one another, a large convivial living room and a cozy study area. All the rooms represent universal places of the soul, nourished by the values of time, the feelings of kindness and friendship that govern the hamlet of Solomeo.